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(1 edit) (+1)

This game is just amazing, i dot get tired of playing it.
Cant wait for the complete version.

The art style, the frenetic gameplay, the music, everything about this game is awesome.

(Btw, i found a glitch where if you pause while getting a hit that would kill you, you get negative hp, and become unvencible)

Wow! That's a serious glitch! Thank you, I'll fix it! Also can you tell me how much have you played this game? This would be helpful.

Sorry for the late replay, when i posted the comment i had 3 days playing it, after few days i still play it occasionally when im bored

Glad you like it that much! Thank you for reply.


Super fun game and i didnt know that you could parry shots that kinda reminds me of ultrakill and i love the mechanic.

Also my fps did drop to 20 some times but that was fine for me i recomend an option to lower textures aswell. Overall superfun game


Also i think the parry was a glitch cos i cant do it now and b hopping is fun

Thank you for feedback! Parry is kinda hard to do so I'll try to fix it!




Really loved your demo. The art and gameplay is amazing! I left some feedback in my video here:

Great job!

Thank you for playing! And also thank you for feedback!


Your game is G.O.A.T

the game is masterpiece enjoyable and fun gameplay does everything and graphic is backing up atmosphere.

enjoyed every single second of it.

Glad you like it! Thank you so much for playing!


Idk why but i got insane fps in this game

talking like 200 plus

playing on a laptop too, no graphics card

Good to know! I got mostly positive feedback about fps and optimization but I would work on it more just in case.


can you have a thingy where you can adjust resolution because i get an average of 15fps while playing with all the fancy stuff off

Hi! I'm working on that. Thank you! Can you tell me your default resolution and pc specs?

1366 x 768

intel celeron N2040 

4gb RAM

Integrated Intel HD Graphics 400 GPU

(Not the best computer)

I want to clarify that this option would come with big update where I would rework UI, add some new enemies and also add keybinding. I'm sorry that you can't play it properly right now.

if you go to settings on your pc/laptop then display you can chamge the res there


Hey do you have a contact where I can reach out to you about possibly help finish funding, marketing, and launching your game? It was really fun! Thanks for your time!

fun game i like it but i was barely reaching 20 fps still fun though


That's bad! I'm gonna work on optimization. Sorry for this.

try lowering settings and resolution cos i have a crap laptop but that helped



Very cool! ❤️

(1 edit) (+1)

Just played the new version after hotfix 1.3 and I have to say, no complaints whatsoever now. This game is damn fun lol.


Wow! Thank you so much! I'm planning to add even more stuff now, like completely new UI, enemies, zones and guns. Can't wait to show you guys new stuff!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you! Glad you have fun with it!


Really enjoyed the demo, wishlisted and now im just working on improving my time. 

Thank you! And I'm working on improving game flow and adding new content!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, just gave this a spin - I really enjoyed it. I'll structure my feedback into bullet points:
-Loved the aesthetics. This kind of low-texture sprite-based 3D style is something I really dig.

-Soundtrack and sound design were both pretty satisfactory and worked well with the game's overall pacing and theme.

-Overall the experience was enjoyable, the game feel is juicy enough and the gameplay loop works for me.

-For some reason, I couldn't use the dash. Is it an unlockable or something? I kept trying to press Shift and nothing happened.

-Sliding felt a bit awkward at times... It's a bit slow for my taste and the lack of slide-strafing also made me feel a bit confused during some moments.

-Sometimes I couldn't find the last enemy in a room and died because of it... Are there any plans to make that easier for the player, or is that an intentional challenge?

-Finally, I wish the kick had a bit more oomph to it. Don't get me wrong, the animation is good and I don't think the player should be able to one-shot enemies with it or anything, but maybe if it had more knockback, a more meaty sound or time stopped for a split second when hitting with it (kinda like when the player from Ultrakill reflects attacks), I would be more encouraged to use it.

Overall, this has a lot of potential. I'm already wishlisting it on Steam.


Hi! Thank you for feedback! Some answers:

  • Dash is unlockable right now but I'm still thinking what to do with it so maybe I'll change it in the future
  • Can you explain to me what is slide-strafing? Sorry for this lol
  • I know that last enemy is a problem sometimes. I'm working on it right now. I'm gonna change some problematic rooms and try to fix enemy AI.
  • Yeap kick is need some work! Stopping time for a second is a good idea and knockback alive enemies would be very useful.

Thank you for feedback and ideas again! I'm glad you still like it. I'm planning to add at least 2-3 times more areas, guns and room(different areas, more open/vertical)


Sorry, slide-strafing was probably not a good way to explain it. What I meant was using the slide ability in other directions, such as to the side and maybe even backwards. Something that screwed me over a bit was trying to use the slide to escape and ending up going forward towards the enemy I was trying to run away from :P


I got it! This is actually sound like a cool idea! I would work on that idea. Thank you!


Absolutely love this game! Got it on steam today and could not put it down for a solid 2 hours. Managed to eke out 3rd on the leaderboard just now and still hungry for more. Greatly looking forward to seeing where this game goes in the future!

Wonderful job and I only have a few gripes. I found very little use for the ads function no matter what weapon I was using. I had some issues when it came to visual clarity and floating enemies getting stuck behind objects making me have to go back and look for them in order to move to the next room. The rng elements could use some work like making more different effects.


Thank you for feedback! Yeap, bad enemy AI is one of the main problem for me right here. I'm thinking what to do with it now. Also I know rng elements is not super different right now and that a problem for cause my main idea was to make it really different and unique. And ads function is not that powerful in comparison with two guns or new gun ability so I probably need to buff it somehow.


Also good job on getting second place! I still don't understand how you do this that fast haha.


Really enjoyable game, have added to my wishlist on Steam! A few thoughts below:

- Have you thought about having the option for the player to gain more health back for performing headshot kills, slide kills, kills through glass, kick kills etc.? Could be something like gain 15 health back instead of the standard 10?

- Really like the slide mechanic, I wondered if it would be worth adjusting so when you hold slide and a direction, the player would slide in that direction? For example, if I pressed Ctrl + S the player would slide backwards a couple of steps?

 (I think you’ve said you’re working on the UI currently so you might have incorporated these already)

- Could do with a Settings menu on the Main menu (so not having to load into a game to tweak settings)

- When moving the cursor over the menu option, might be worth having it highlight which option you’re about to select

- For adjusting FOV & Sensitivity, might be worth having an option to type in values rather than the slider being the only option

- When picking Buff / Debuff at the end, might look good if the buff was in green font and debuff was in red

Only other thing I noticed was a bug that would occasionally crop up on level 3. Sometimes the “door unlocked” sound effect wouldn’t occur. I’ve tried recreating the issue a few times (but that requires me to not die before Level 3 which I’m not great at!), I think on both occasions it’s cropped up I was using the Shotgun.

Keep up the solid work!

Thank you so much for feedback! There's a lot of cool ideas here and I like pretty much everything you wrote. I would work on that in future updates or release version. Thank you again!


I know POST VOID had to be some inspiration, a game that i LOVE :) Great stuff can't wait for more

Full Play No Commentary 

Yeap! You can actually find Post Void poster in the demo!


this is like ULTRAKILL

unity or unreal ????



Do you like it?

(1 edit)

i don´t played it yet but i made the question because i have issues with unity on my pc because all the things that are made on unity run slower

That's really sad to hear :(


Hiii, I've made a video about the demo and wanted to share it along with some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^

-The concept of the game is good and you are progressing in the good direction with it overall.

-The gameplay mechanics are well chosen for the game and their implementation is good considering this is only a demo.

-The slide mechanic is probably the one that needs more polish, as you could make it easier to execute (to give the gameplay more speed) or adding some attack dmg if you hit an enemy as a way to reward the player for taking the risk of engaging enemies in close combat.

-The visuals are quite good in general, but the UI needs to be reworked in a way that makes more clear and easy to see your HP.

In conclusion, the idea is great and I hope you keep working on it. Hopefully this is useful for the development :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Slide mechanic note is great! I would think about that, thank you. Also this UI is just a placeholder and now I'm trying to create more dynamic and easy to read UI. (Maybe some comic style like hit effect).

Thank you for playing my game! Don't forget to rate it if you like it!


You are welcome ^^


I really enjoyed this game. I like how the buffs carry debuffs with them as well. Makes you think a little more on what you pick. Keep up the good work! 

Thank you for playing! Glad you like it!


I loved the simplistic art style and the way the game plays! Even the music fits really well with the game's style. My only complaint is that I think I got stuck at a part where there were a lot of yellow bouncing boxes. I am not sure if it was a bug or if I could get past that.

Thank you for feedback! Glad you like it! Can you tell me more about that bug?


So basically, I was progressing from one room to another and in the last room I reached, there were a lot of yellow bouncing boxes. There was an exit door but it was marked with a red cross. I didn't know how to cross the area. I even tried going back as far as I can to check if I had missed the correct route but there was no doors that I missed. Then I came back to the bouncing box room, I saw that the boxes were bouncing around the room even more uncontrollably and there was still no where to go. Maybe there was a door in final room and I couldn't spot it. Might have play again to find out for sure. I'll play it again today and record my screen while doing it. 👍😁 

No need for that! I got your problem. Basically you missed one of the dispancers on the wall that shoots bouncing balls. I should make a proper tutorial that explains what you need to do to get past rooms. Thank you for feedback.


Oh my bad! Great to know that! I'll try to beat the game! Waiting for the full release!


Finished the game! Was a blast to play!


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very very fun i cant wait for the full release!

Thank you! I'm really happy that you like it!


Super dope

Glad you like it! I added link to your page as music creator.


Could you make the gravity on the player a bit stronger, jumping feels kinda floaty, and maybe remove the collision from dead enemies so the player can walk through them. That alone would make it feel much more solid.


Done! I hope you like it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, feels much better now. Thanks

One more thing, I feel like the game could be optimized more in terms of performance, but I'm sure you'll make it run better.


Yeap! I'm working on it. More updates coming soon.


Mom! Can we have Ultrakill please?

No we have Ultrakill at home

Ultrakill at home:

Every masterpiece has its cheap copy

Is it possible to play this on mac?

Maybe in future and more stable versions! 


This is insanely fun, cannot WAIT for more of i


I'm happy that you like it! More updates coming soon.


Damn this feels good to play

Thank you! Glad you like it!


omg this game is so fun got first place really love this game now time to beat my score 


OMG! I can't belive you did it! Great Job! Someone finally beat Dio. How much tries you already played?


i dont remember how much tries but all i remember is not to give up and try my best and see where im at now,THANKS FOR MAKING THIS GUN

Thank you so much for playing! I'm so happy that someone actually like it!!!

don't worry love this game, hope the full version comes out soon and would be better!


You can rate it here if you really enjoyed it! It would be helpful!

How do i rate this game i would love to rate it but i dont know how to so if u can tell me how i can rate it

You can find "Rate this game" on the right sight of the screen I guess

okay gave it 5 stair rate!


Great game. I love fast paced games. 

Thank you for playing!


This game has great potential! I'm not that good at action games but I'm sure this could be the 'next big thing' soon!


Wow! Thank you. I would try to do my best!


That's great!

Glad you like it! Thank you for the playing!


The aesthetic is on point. 

It has a lot of potentials IMO.

Health going down over time is kind of a 

"interesting to the dev but painful to player" mechanic,

and isn't mentioned anywhere in the game or the page.

In my biased opinion, I'd say add the option to toggle it off entirely. 

If it's something you consider to be in the center of the game experience, it needs more balance and more transparency about how it works and why it's in there in the first place.

I think it is already on a pretty good path and has a lot of potentials. 

Just keep in mind that new players are less proficient at the game than you, and think about how to onboard them into this challenging experience. 

Best of luck to you on that project!


Thank you for the feedback! I will add tutorial for the Health mechanic. 


This is great. I have only two complaints tbh. Having an enemy right in front of you in the beginning of a room is fine but having explosive enemies right there feels a little too unfair. Along with that I sometimes got stuck in the room connecting two rooms together and had to restart. 

Other than that though, everything feels nice and crunchy and is fun


Thank you for feedback! I will definitely fix it!


Reminds me of berserk mode. Wasn't confortable with the movement, not sure why exactly, maybe the agressive tilt or sudden stop, it didn't seem to respond exactly the way I wanted.

Thank you! I'm working on a movement and goind to change it soon.


that was pretty good but the wobble is a bit much and your health runs out too fast.

Thank you for the feedback! 

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good shooter
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